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Lowrance Hook Reveal - innstilling av 2D ekkolodd

Vi fortsetter med filmer med "tips & triks" basert på spørsmål fra dere, denne gangen med basisinnstillinger av 2D-ekkolodd. 

I filmen bruker jeg innstegsmodellen Lowrance Hook Reveal, men menypunktene jeg går gjennom er ganske universale uansett merke og modell. Siden Hook Reveal ikke er særlig egnet for manuell modus og pelagisk fiske, hopper jeg over det her, dette får jeg komme tilbake til med HDS som eksempel litt senere.

Om du ikke kan se filmen her, så prøv denne direktelinken: https://youtu.be/y-qJvmGsl70

Litt skjermbilder fra turen på Mjøsa, alle fra Lowrance Hook Reveal med 50/200-HDI som ekkoloddgiver:

FishReveal fungerer også utmerket.

For de virkelig spesielt interesserte.... Jeg har også testet å bruke Airmar TM185HW på Hook Reveal. Da velges "Generisk 83/200" som ekkoloddgiver og man kan bruke 200 kHz og høy chirp av frekvensvalgene. 200kHz støttes av TM185HW, mens Lowrance sin versjon av høy chirp avviker litt fra Airmars, så sistnevnte er ikke ideelt. Jeg vil ikke anbefale noen å bruke denne kombinasjonen, dette er kun for morro skyld for å se hvordan Hook Reveal responderer på andre ekkoloddgivere.

Som du ser vises både fisk og dyprigglodd tydeligere med TM185HW, men det er mest en konsekvens av konevinkelen (25 grader) som er større enn med 50/200-HDI på høy chirp (200 kHz gir 12 graders konevinkel). 


  1. Hello, it is officially stated that Reveal does not support Aimer transducers
    How do you connect TM185HW and Reveal?

    1. Hi! As stated in the article, Airmar TM185HW is not fully compatible with Hook Reveal, and we do NOT recommend using that transducer with Hook Reveal. You can connect any xSonic-connector to Hook Rveal (and Hook2) using adapter 000-14069-001. Kind regards Erik

    2. Thank you for your answer~ You are very professional

  2. Originally, the 50/200 transducer with Reveal is not enough for my sea area. I need to be able to stabilize the probe at a depth of about 300~400 meters.

    1. Hi! Hook Reveal is a good entry-level unit, but still just entry level. :) For the depths you mention I highly recommend HDS Live, as that has both more power and more advanced signal processing, both needed when operationg in deep water, ideally combined with the S5100-module and a 1000W or more transducer. Kind regards Erik

    2. If it is matched with other high-wattage 50/200 aimer transducers, can it reach the detection depth below 300? Like B258 P319

    3. The output of the Hook Reveal is the same with a 500W and 1000W (or more) transducer, as it is limited within the unit. The cheapest Lowrance-unit with a 1000W-output is the new Elite FS, which has the same maximum output as HDS Live has. (All HDS-generations since Gen 3 have 1000W-output) Airmar P319 is very similar to Lowrance HST-DFSBL (or 50/200-HDI), B258 has a larger element which will be more sensetive and can detect fish deeper, but the somwehat larger conengle on 258 is not ideal for really deep water. B260 is better in 200+ meters versus B258.

  3. Hello!
    I noticed that there is a lot of information about high chirp but no one talks about how it behaves when you use low chirp at depths greater than 100m. You also did screenshoots at 200m + on high chirp but nothing in low. Is it possible to target fish deeper if you use low chirp vs high chirp? Thank you?

    1. Hi. As a general recommendation, use 200kHz or high chirp as deep as it gives good returns. The reason for this is the much larger coneangle on 50kHz (or low chirp) with Lowrance-transducers. Yes, 50/ low can penetrate even deeper than 200/ high, but with a 35+ degrees coneangle and large depths you basically get a flat bottom line with litle structure shown, and any fish you see are hard to relate to where the boat is due to the wide conenagle. But to answer your question, yes using 50/ low will enable you to see fish even deeper than 200/ high, the problem is that you have no idea where those fish really are versus where you are. :) Kind regards Erik


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