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What is the difference between Lowrance HDS Pro and Elite FS?

Lowrance as a brand of marine electronics is well known to all anglers, but the differences within their range of units seem to cause quite a few questions out there. Here we will try to outline the difference between Lowrance HDS Pro (top end) and Lowrance Elite FS (middle range).

As usual, we will look at the tech, and then try to translate those technical aspects to practical differences while out on the water. (If you don`t like technical articles, scroll to the end for the conclusions.)

Lowrance Elite FS (left) and HDS Pro (right) - what are the differences?

Before we dive into the details, let us take a moment to recap on the range of units Lowrance is currently offering.

  • HDS Pro
  • Elite FS
  • Eagle

Meet the Lowrance family of 2024.

There is some confusion going on as to which unit replaced what; here is a brief overview of the history of todays units.

History of todays units

If we look at it from a purely historical viewpoint, the middle-range units before Elite Ti could be included in the list. I have chosen not to include those as they differ a lot from the more recent middle-range units with touchscreens and networking-capabilities. We include this overview because you often see the previous generation on sale for quite some time after the next generation has been launched. The previous generation HDS can then be less expensive than the current generation Elite in the same size, and that can be confusing. But from a user-standpoint, the previous generation top end unit is typically a step up from todays middle end unit, and that goes with HDS Live versus Elite FS as well, and Elite Ti2 versus Eagle. 

With that sorted, it is time to dive into the details.

Hardware - housing, screen and connections.

Take a deep breath now, because this comparison is a bit complicated as there are differences internally in both series, not just between the two series. HDS Pro in 9 and 10 differ from 12 and 16 while Elite FS 7 and 9 differ from 10 and 12. You could even argue that HDS Pro 10 has more in common with Elite FS 10 than HDS Pro 12. Feeling dizzy now? 

Elite FS just got two new sizes added to the range, 10 and 12. There are significant differences between those two units and the 7 and 9 that was introduced late 2020. That difference is also reflected in the price tag, the jump from 9 to 10 looks outrageous at first glance, and that difference is all about the screen. (And the screen is again about competing directly with Garmin Echomap Ultra.)

Let us start with something obvious though, the buttons. With HDS Live (12 and 16) we saw the first programmable buttons on a Lowrance unit. On Elite FS all sizes have one programmable button:

Programmable button on Elite FS, double up on HDS Pro 10, 12 &16.

HDS Pro 9 does not have this button at all, while HDS Pro in 10 has two and, 12/ 16 have four. 

4 programmable buttons on HDS Pro 12 and 16.

Continuing on the front, Elite FS has one memorycardreader, located under the Lowrance-lettering on the left side of the screen.

One memorycardreader on Elite FS

All sizes of HDS Pro have two memorycard readers. For many users this is not a big deal, but if you like to have both mapping from Navionics and C-Map available in one unit, or like to combine Navionics with recording sonarlogs (for Reefmaster or Genesismaps), two cardreaders simplifies your time on the water. Elite FS use Micro SD memorycards up to 32GB, while HDS Pro can handle up to 128GB. For us mapping-geeks, HDS is still one step ahead of Elite FS due to those two simple differences.

Two cardreaders on HDS.

At the back, with Elite FS now having an ethernetport, the differences regarding physical connections at the back of the units are:

Connectors on HDS Pro and Elite FS

As you can see, Elite FS have the same type and number of ports regardless of size, while it varies with size on HDS Pro. Keep in mind that ethernet is what shares 2D-sonar, StructureScan, mapping, radar and synchronizes waypoints (not just share), while NMEA2000 shares simple data like depth, position, enginedata, heading etc. Elite FS does NOT support NMEA0183.

This is the backside of Elite FS and the ports available:

Elite FS connections.

This is HDS Pro 12 and 16:

HDS Live/ Pro 12 and 16.

If you are to remember just one thing regarding the ports, it is that Elite FS has one ethernetport, while HDS Pro has two ethernetports. This has a big practical impact if you plan to have more than just one unit. With Elite FS you will soon run out of ethernetports with more than two units, and will have to add the NEP-2 (network expansion port), in order to add the third unit or a module like Active Target.

While the back of the unit tells you how a unit will work with what, it is the front you will spend hours and hours looking at while on the water. When looking at the screens, they look very similar at first glance. But when looking at them side by side, the better screen on HDS Pro (and HDS Live, which has the same screen has HDS Pro) is still visible versus Elite FS 7 and 9.

Lowrance Elite FS 9 left, HDS (Live) 9 right.

In the photo above (taken while icefishing) we use ethernet from the HDS Live, which again has the LiveSight-transducer connected, and as you see it networks perfectly to the Elite FS next to it. With Elite FS we see full networking like HDS. No limitations, making it not just a good middle-range unit but also a very good supplement to HDS as a "second screen" at a lower cost than adding another HDS. This is a big plus versus the main competitors Garmin and Humminbird. However, doing so also makes the difference in screen-quality clear to the user.

The screen on Elite FS 7/9 is similar to that on HDS Gen 3, but with the same outer-layer, as we know from Simrad GO and HDS Live/ Pro. The only way to tell the difference between the TFT screens on Elite FS 7/9 and the IPS on Elite FS 10/12 and HDS Pro, is by seeing them live side by side. If you do, you will notice brighter colours on HDS Pro and the white is less yellow and brighter white on HDS Pro. Nevertheless, with the improved outer-layer on Elite FS 7/9 (versus HDS Gen 3), the viewing-angles are almost the same, HDS Pro and Elite FS 10/12 are slightly better but marginally. You can still see what is going on, even if you are more or less directly off to the side of the Elite FS in any size, a big improvement over HDS Gen 3 or Elite Ti/ Ti2 that had a narrower viewing-angle. This might sound like a detail, but when you are fishing, moving around in the boat, being able to see details on your screen without standing right in front of it is a major practical difference versus older units.

Using polarized sunglasses, you see a big difference. HDS Pro and Elite FS 10/12 are clearly viewable with such sunglasses, Elite FS 7/9 are not.

That difference is at its most noticeable when using Active Target. Unlike LiveSight or 2D-sonar, Active Target mainly has dark pallets, and most users tend to prefer the darker pallets. Dark pallets, strong sunlight, polaroid sunglasses and unfavourable viewing-angles adds up to make all anglers big fans of IPS. 

If we look solely at screen resolution, the TFT on Elite FS 7/9 falls behind that of the bigger 10/12 and all sizes HDS Pro. It is worth mentioning that this is not because the resolution on Elite FS 7/9 is "bad", it is on par with most units on the market. It simply means that the resolution on Elite FS 10/12 and HDS Pro is "excellent".

Screen resolution.

Both Elite FS and HDS Pro can be operated using the touchscreen, and they have multi touch so you can use two fingers to zoom in and out. On HDS Pro you also have a full set of buttons. Especially in rough conditions, choppy seas, or in cold conditions like icefishing, being able to use buttons to operate a unit is a plus.

When it comes to the processor(s) and RAM etc. in the units, Lowrance (like most brands) is not very informative. We can get a clue to the difference between HDS Pro and Elite FS though, both in practical use and by looking at the About-menu in the units. 

Elite FS 9 vs HDS Pro 9 (HDS Pro photo; Vanko AkvaSport)

Elite FS 7/9 seems to have more or less the same processing-power as HDS Carbon, while Elite FS 10/12 is similar to the processing in HDS Live but one step behind HDS Pro. HDS Pro is (as expected) slightly faster than Elite FS, but you have to operate the units side by side to notice the difference. Elite FS is one of the fastest middle-range units on the market and the difference towards the older Elite Ti2 is noticeable. When operating Elite FS it is more on less on par with HDS Pro in terms of how fast it loads different views, adjusting settings and so forth.

Hardware - transducers.

The only remaining difference for 2D is for Airmar dual-channel chirp-transducers like 265 and 275. HDS Pro can run these directly, Elite FS cannot without a module (S5100).  

For StructureScan (down- and sidescan) there is a big difference, especially for the shallow water guys. While both Elite FS and HDS Pro can use Active Imaging directly, Elite FS requires the S3100 module in order to use the new Active Imaging HD transducers like AI HD 2 in 1 AI HD and 3 in 1. 

AI HD chirp around 1100kHz (photo; Navico)

Frequent readers of this humble blog might remember that we have never been  huge fans of chirp for scanning sonar like side- and downscan. In our opinion, the length and quality of the ceramic elements in the transducer, and the software in the unit, is way more important than chirp. 

Old and new AI. (photo; Navico)

With that in mind, we are glad to see that AI HD is not just a re-branded AI but has been redesigned. New elements for scanning sonar allows for that better side- and downscan that we all want. The frequencies available with AI HD are:

  • SideScan low chirp based on 455kHz (445-495kHz)
  • SideScan high chirp based on 1075kHz (1065-1115kHz)
  • DownScan low chirp based on 700kHz (690-740kHz)
  • DownScan high chirp based on 1225kHz (1215-1265kHz)

The regular AI provides 600kHz downscan and 455/800kHz for SideScan, so AI and AI HD are quite different from design to frequency for scanning sonar.

For 2D, chirp is a big thing, for scanning sonar not as much, partially because the range most users are looking at with their scanning sonar is to short to get the full advantage of chirp. But now, with the second generation of Active Imaging (AI), Lowrance is doing their best to prove that we are wrong. In all honesty, yours truly has still not seen good documentation on the chirp-advantage on scanning sonar, but the advantage the higher frequency AI HD offers over AI is clearly visible in good conditions and fairly short range.

AI HD comes in these transducer configurations:

  • Active Imaging HD 3 in 1
  • Active Imaging HD 2 in 1
  • Active Imaging HD 3 in 1 FishReveal M/H (requires S3100 also for HDS)
  • Active Imaging HD 3 in 1 FishReveal HW (requires S3100 also for HDS)
  • Active Imaging 3 in 1 HD nosecone (for the Ghost TM)
Unfortunately Lowrance still neglects users that needs a "3 in 1"-style transducer but fish deeper water so there is no 50/200-based 2D element in the AI HD series, just like with AI. As you might remember from the connectors on Elite FS, it only has one connector for a transducer. Since there is no "AI 3i1 L/H", anglers that want both AI and a 2D-element for deeper water (like HST-DFSBL or Airmar) should opt for HDS (Or the competition, that has such 3i1-style transducers for their middle range units). Our chart covering Lowrance-transducers has all the SKUs if you need them, and you can find that chart through THIS LINK.

Lowrance Elite FS with Airmar TM150M - and its prey.


Let us start with a few simple "does and don`ts":

  • HDS Pro has software to chirp scanning sonar and software to support the new high frequency AI HD, Elite FS does not and requires a module (or network from HDS Pro) for AI HD.
  • Elite FS cannot use chirp on 2D, while also using StructureScan (SideScan/ DownScan) unless there is a module involved as well. HDS Pro can. 
  • HDS Pro supports Active Target in split screen views, Elite FS does not.
  • HDS Pro supports ping-synch, more or less a must if you want two run two Active Target transducers, Elite FS does not.
  • HDS supports views that combine two Active Target 2 transducers (and modules), Elite FS does not.
  • HDS Pro supports the brand new "depth routing" feature where a Lowrance TM can follow a certain depth-contour on a map.

When using Elite Ti/Ti2, we saw that the processing of the sonar-signal was "dumbed down" versus HDS Carbon/ Live/ Pro. This was especially noticeable in very shallow water (less than 10 feet) and in deep water (more than 160 feet). When viewing the units side by side, it was clear that HDS would draw better arches, with more definition and with better target-separation.

Another example of difference in signal processing was visible when using manual mode. HDS has always coped well in manual mode, Elite Ti/Ti2 would only work well in manual mode if it still had a bottom-return. This meant that HDS was the go-to units for pelagic fishing over deep water, due to the massively better target-separation one achieves in manual mode under such conditions. At the time of writing this, we haven`t tested Elite FS for pelagic fishing, so this has yet to be answered (by us).

Auto left, manual right, quite the difference in target-separation.

Another difference that used to be, but is no more, is the maximum power for the 2D-signal. Both Elite FS and HDS Pro are now 1000W RMS for 2D, as long as they are used with a transducer that supports it. (In other words, used with Airmar.) Keep in mind though, that HDS Carbon/ Live/ Pro have true dual 2D and can run two 2D-transducers, while Elite FS is single channel and can only run one transducer unless you add a module.

As for mapping, there are no difference between Elite FS and HDS Pro. They are both fully compatible with the same mapping-products and -services, including both Genesis Live and Navionics Sonarcharts Live. 

Elite FS and HDS Pro support the same mapping, C-Map in this example.

In the film below, you can see Genesis Live and Navionics Sonarcharts Live side by side. Elite FS and HDS supports both:

One major difference between Elite FS and HDS Pro is NMEA0183. NMEA0183 is a type of marine network, today it is typically used between a VHF and your unit to provide position to the VHF, but in previous years it has also been used for autopilot, data-logging and many other things. Today the "standard" networking is NMEA2000, and I highly recommend ensuring that whatever you buy and want to network, supports NMEA2000. Elite FS does not support NMEA0183, HDS Pro does support NMEA0183.

Combining HDS Pro and Elite FS?

With cable-based ethernet on Elite FS, Lowrance has opened up the door for cross-series networking between Elite FS and HDS. Elite FS networks well in ethernet with HDS Gen 3 (on latest software), HDS Carbon, HDS Live and HDS Pro. Using ethernet between Elite FS and older generations of HDS will cause legacy-issues, and we would not recommend doing so. (Networking with NMEA2000 is OK, networking with ethernet is not.)

Out on the water/ conclusion.

We see these types of users as users that should to look to HDS (Pro) for their needs.

  • For multiple unit/ module networking (more than two).
  • For use where a 16 inch screen is necessary.
  • For use where two transducers is needed to one unit.
  • For Airmar double-band chirp-transducers like TM265.
  • For users with older equipment (like a VHF) that still uses NMEA0183.

On the other hand, Elite FS is ideal if:

  • You only need/ want one unit, or two units but no modules (like Active Target).
  • You want a second screen to combine with HDS.

Other VS-articles:

Lowrance HDS Live vs Elite FS

Lowrance Elite Ti2 vs Elite FS

Lowrance HDS Carbon vs HDS Live


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