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NJFF med sjøørretkart over Oslofjorden
Norges Jeger- og Fiskerforbund har med støtte fra lokale lag fått på plass et oversiktskart over sjøørretplasser i Oslofjorden og omegn. Et tilsvarende kart finnes også i papirformat, men her er altså nettutgaven:
Perhaps the most repeated question in Facebookgroups and forums regarding marine electronics: "What are the best settings?" The bad news is that there is no uniform answer to that. The good news is that you can adjust settings according to conditions if you have a little knowledge as to what settings you should tweak and why. Here is part 1 of our guide to get the most out of your unit in regards to settings.
Here we go again, a new generation of the Lowrance HDS. And with that Facebook and the different forums are flooded with questions referring to the difference between the new and the old. So what is the difference between Lowrance HDS Live and HDS Carbon?
When Lowrance launches a new mid-range unit, it is a big deal. Forums and Facebookgroups light up with questions on the new stuff, differences towards the old stuff and questions on compatibility. As usual, we in Team Colibri will try our best to sort that out, both on a technical level and with a more practical in-your-boat approach.
You have to hand it to Lowrance when it comes to the name of their new entry-level line of sonar and chartplotters. We all want to hook up, and what better way to do that then by having our marine electronics reveal to us where the fish are?
There are several lists and posts on what transducers are compatible with which Lowrance units, but since I don`t like any of them and tend to like doing things myself, I made a list.
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